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Potntial long running service tasks should check to see if already running before another instance is created.

We have had a few instances where after a collect connection issue many thousands or rows are created for failure e-mails to be sent.  The Worksflow send message service does not complete before the next execution.  These seem to cause contention and quickly the service queue is filled with 12 (or what ever the set up is) of the same service task all of which do not complete.

Is it possible for these potentially long running service tasks to check to see if one is already queued/running and only submit if the answer to this is NO?

  • Tim Empson
  • Sep 11 2018
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    November 22, 2018 17:17

    Tim, makes sense to me.  I will add this for discussion with the framework engineering team to get there take on this requirement. 

  • Tim Empson commented
    November 20, 2018 18:18

    This is the same as that below which is planned.  - Thanks

    Service Pages should never be added to the queue if they are already in the queue as waiting or running