Interfaces service: - Default build should have a dedicated DSMA service for interfaces

We have a problem in our DSMA build that the DMSA service keeps experiencing a CPU  leak - the CPU ramps up to a set percentage (ususally 33, 66 or 99%) and then stays there, probably as a result of many interfaces all launching at the same time.  We have moved the interfaces onto a dedicated DSMA service Provider of their own (we called it DSMA Automate) and it has two advantages.

1, it appears to have reduced issues with the Interfaces getting locked up .

2, If the DSMA service does experience a CPU leak, we can kill the service and restart it without having to stop the users from working. This means we can solve the issues in a live system without notifying the client of the issue and arranging an outage window.

This solution is working reasonable well, so I think there may be an advantage in building it as a default build.


Also see my service ticket number 11021

  • Phil Towe
  • Aug 9 2018
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    August 24, 2018 10:41

    Thanks for registering this Phil.  Currently this would be handled as part of the Install and Config service and with the priorities that we currently have I do believe we will bring this into the core product setup.  I would raise this with the I&C team as a question they should ask and a configuration step they should perform as best practice if Interface Server is going to be heavily used.