Enable mass update of Excel file generated through Excel Integration

Excel files generated through Excel Integration are protected such that users are only able to update single cells.  We would like to have this protection modified to allow for mass updates (ie Find and Replace).  Lack of this ability negates the value of exporting the data and the user is just as well off working within DSP updating one record at a time.



  • Guest
  • Feb 21 2018
  • Already exists
  • Mar 26, 2018

    Admin response

    Find and Replace are supported already in the Excel Integration.  The issue occurs if you try to replace a value that is found in the header columns that are locked to prevent modification.  If you highlight the entire data segment, excluding the column headings you will be able to perform a full find and replace.  Obviously this can cause issues with drop down lists, etc, so please verify the contents after running a replace.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 26, 2018 13:20

    Thank you for the response. I have tried various types of selections. Full data set, partial data sets, full rows, etc. In every case, I have excluded the headers and in every case I am told the protection on the sheet prevents this type of change. I have provided a screen shot below. Can you please confirm that I should be able to perform this function and what I may be doing wrong?

    Best regards,

