Extended information in Info box

The info-box that pops up on the left of the screen as you hover over the Title block is really useful, but for some objects it displays the GUIDs and other the descriptions. Ideally, it should show BOTH the GUID and description.  EG the TARGET > Source  shows several bits of info...

  • Object as a description
  • Target as a description
  • Soruce as a description
  • WaveProcessAreaObjectTargetSourceID as a description   (ID suggests this should be the GUID?)
  • WaveProcessAreaObjectTargetSourceTransformID as a GUID 

This applies across the paltform

  • Phil Towe
  • Jan 11 2018
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Mar 26, 2018

    Admin response

    Thanks for registering the idea.  The info-box that appears with the on hover event of the page title is displaying the keys of the page plus any keys of the calling page that is linking to the page.  The reason descriptions are shown is when list boxes have been applied to the key fields to provide clearer information in the page columns.  Without the list box assignment it would be very difficult / impossible for the DSP to automatically assign the name / description to the GUID assigned to the field.  We have no plans to change this functionality within the DSP framework currently.

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