CTS - Tree View

CTS really needs a way of seeing the entire structure of a Package, and the ability to select / deselect objects and branches. A tree viewer would be ideal.

  • Phil Towe
  • Jan 11 2018
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Mar 26, 2018

    Admin response

    Thanks for registering the idea.  We agree with the need to improve the visualisation of the CTS packages and the concept of a tree view makes sense.  We already have improvements in the 6.7 release of the DSP that will provide a better way of interrogating the created archive without the need to build out the tree view.  We are also building out a new hierarchy viewer plugin for the DSP that could potentially be used for this concept.  We will review this idea as one of the next steps for improving the CTS management capabilities post 6.7.

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