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Debug Log tables could include seconds in their timestamp

The current Debug Log tables only display hours and minutes in their timestamp values.  This can be quickly seen by executing these queries:


SELECT * FROM DataGarage.dbo.ttDebugLog


SELECT * FROM DSPCommon.dbo.ttDebugLog


SELECT * FROM cMass.dbo.ttDebugLog


SELECT * FROM DGE.dbo.ttDebugLog


SELECT * FROM dspTrack.dbo.ttDebugLog


SELECT * FROM Integrate.dbo.ttDebugLog


The code which writes to these tables could likely be adjusted to include seconds, because this would be handled fine by the SMALLDATETIME datatype.


An example of a debug activity which would benefit greatly from the inclusion of seconds in the timestamps:

  • 200 different validation views are executed (and individually logged) by a 'Finish' event in dspConduct.  A user reviewing the debug log wishes to identify any views that took longer than 10 seconds to execute, so that those views can be tuned to increase overall performance.


Thank you for considering this enhancement.

  • Ben Bauer
  • Jul 5 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files