New Charting Functionality


Thanks so much for the
charting demo last week.  I love this new
functionality and can attest that our clients will love it too!


At Cummins they requested we provide KPI’s that could be used to evaluate our progress against each
We did provide the reports for these but had not charted them yet. 


We provided the following KPI's:


Datamapping (field to field instructions for migrating) – Based on Mapping status and number of active fields.
Provided % by mapping status.

These reports were broken down
by wave, process area or objects.  Our
objects were basically the scope list of objects converted, item master,
customer master etc.  The number of
active fields divided by the counts of each mapping status,  of particular interest were the ‘Completed’
status and ‘In Design’ status.  Cummins
did all mapping off site and on their own but we could tell them that when they
had mapping meetings scheduled in South Africa for example for five days that
at the end of day one they were through 5% of the mapping and running way

We could gauge how late design
changes were affecting our work etc. etc.  Also during the mapping meetings we could tell
which distributor resource team would be needed which day.  For example we could see we were 90% through
the financing objects and knew they would no longer be needed the last two days
of the week as originally scheduled etc.


  Rule Auto and Manual Generation (code completion) – Based on Rule status and number of active fields.  Provided % complete.

  These reports were broken down
by wave, process area or objects.    First done based on mapping status where the
mapping status was complete and then reports done based on overall possible
coding(estimates) where mapping both completed and not yet completed.


Value Mapping
Based on all value maps currently generated and the row mapping was relevant
and incomplete.  Provided a % complete

Based on the number of rows in
the value map and what was completed.


Construct – We
had just begun working on this one.
Wanted to do something similar to value mapping but we create a ton of
construct pages n
ot used.  If we had the enable and disable flag
requested in another enhancement request this could be created very similar to
what we did
for value mapping and very
easy too! 


DDUP -  Provided a
% complete based on total resolved and unresolved candidates. 


Errors – Count
of total errors using error reports, broken down by wave, process areas or objects.  This one I wanted to continue working on so
we could tell a difference between basic data quality errors on the Cummins
distributor business side and configuration errors where our load systems were
not configured correctly. 




Value mapping, construct and
Ddup would be performed by the business users not the core migration team.  We could evaluate each waves progress at any
time and allow their managers to periodically assess performance.   Would like to have developed trending
information on these reports .  Good candidates  to include on a single dashboard.


These KPI's at a wave level would make a good dashboard for upper management.



These reports provided  information on so many levels.  We could
tell which members of the core migration team were falling behind on coding (we
were mentoring Cummins folks) to which business users in South Africa weren’t performing
in a timely manner. 

I wish we had time to chart everything before we rolled off but we did not!  It would have been awesome to put these

KPIs in that format.  To report at a higher management level we need to dashboard ACROSS waves as well.  Our waves were

set up for each target system we were converting into.  So for Oracle EBS and Oracle PIM each we had a different wave. 


Not to say there aren’t other
reports in our product very useful to us and that we don't have some version of some of these already but at the stage of the project we
were at these were our main KPIs.  And also there is nothing in the tool to say what is a KPI and which we consider to be the most important

in assessing our progress and those that are values we should measure against. 


  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
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