Ability to Flag and Schedule Targets to be included in the Data Refresh


On large projects, it's possible to have many more Source Connections that are needed for a given Wave.   If the team assigns the task of Refreshing the Data for a Data Load, them that person may not be able to identify which sources to include in the Refresh, and also may need the ability to schedule these Targets to refresh starting at a specific time (Friday 5pm, for example).


1.  Include a flag at the Target level so we can identify which targets are "in scope" for a given Refresh.   

2.  Allows these Targets to be scheduled in some order at the Target Level.   Running at the Target level allows the Target level duration to be updated which is nice when trying to determine how long a refresh takes  (currently you can only schedule at the Source or Table level, but you can run a Target on-demand).

3.  Modify or create new Reports to allow the Refresh to be reporting out to the PMO.   This would only include the results of the last refresh for those Targets which are flagged for inclusion in the refresh.

        -- One report would be the Results of the Refresh for all tables showing Target / Source / Table / Message / Start Time, End Time, RecordCount, Duration.

        -- A second report would just show any Errors which need to be addressed.

4.  Build a Refresh Dashboard so we can see what Targets are Included, manage the Schedule, See the Target Status (refreshing or not), and easily see if any tables Failed, including a hyperlink to drill down to the failed table.    This would the be where the Refresh is monitored and managed during those long nights....

5.   Link Collect tables to the specific Source Tables in Map and Tranform so we can insure that the correct tables are active.


Attached is a crude example of what this might look like in CranSoft...

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  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
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