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Button Layout on Screens can be confusing


There is not a consistant use of Button layouts across the applications.    Generally Toolbar button should affect an entire Page (like the CTS Detect Archives button), or in some cases run events associated with Multiple records on a page  (like multi-select lots of rows, and choose Activate/Deactivate from the toolbar).  


Buttons that affect a single record should be inline with the horizontal view, or for less used functions, buried on the Vertical View.   Some screens have the ability to CLONE or COPY a record,   Those are generally Single Field actions, used infrequently, and should be moved from the Toolbar down to the Horizontal or Vertical view (if space is not available on the Horizontal). 


The most confusing for me is the Toolbar button on a Vertical View, specifically the Import from DataSource button on the vertical view of the System Types page.  A vertical view is always one record, so any button on a vertical should generally be down in the page fields.


Finally, some users struggled to find the SAVE button.   When editing a single record down in the data grid, you can press the pencil to edit a single record, but you have to press the Save button at the top of the screen.   Can we get the in-line SAVE/CANCEL buttons back and reserve the Toolbar EDIT/SAVE for full page, or multi-row edits?


On some Vertical Views, the Save button gets pushed way out to the far right of the screen, so many times my users could not find the button.  Eventually they figured out they had to scroll to the right to find the button.   An example is on the dspMigrate/Transform/SourceRule page after you add a new source rule it pivots to the Vertical.   The SAVE and CANCLE button are to the right of the Title Bar, so if the Source Table has a long name, the button are pushed very far to the right, off the page in lower resolutions (like when Projecting). 


I love all the new buttons and icons.  While training a new user yesterday he said that DSP was the best looking User Interface he has seen, but he was struggling all day to figure out which buttons to press as he navigated his way through dspMigrate.    While some of this is just learning curve for a new user, some of it caused by the confusing mix of ToolBar and In-line buttons which are not always intuitive.



  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +4