Statistics on Processing


Currently we keep simple information on the last time targets/sources/rules are processed.  A better way would be to keep a record each time an import, export, report, or rule runs.  A button could be added to all dsp views to allow a user to drill into the history of processing.  A simple page with time stamps, durations, and record counts would be useful to show trends over time of each thing we process. 


Sometimes we don't remember all the details of everything coded or when we are new to projects we don't know what to expect when we process a target and having this information readily available would give us confidence in our results or cause us to question when things deviate.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • David Williamson commented
    9 Mar, 2017 11:18pm

    We should also be allowed to tag a round of processing as especially important.  This would be helpful so we could see the processing for specific Test Cycles (For Example Mock 1, Mock 2, IT2, DR, Golive etc).

  • +4