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Feature Request: Acknowledge multiple failed jobs by title


Feature Request from Target:


To acknowledge multiple failed jobs, you can do so by queue by navigating to System Administration Resources / Queues page.  Is there an opportunity to acknowledge by queue & title?  In the Jobs (Failed) page, sorting on title then selecting those to be acknowledged as a group is not supplied functionality.  This would be helpful when there are multiple types of titles in a queue where some require further investigation while others can be acknowledged.



While this is the first such request I have seen it is fairly common to be asked how to acknowledge multiple failed jobs at once. Support generally points them to clearing the queue but as noted above, this is not always the best answer either. Having the ability to dynamically select a subset of all failed jobs would be very useful to multiple clients.


Thank you,

Kevin R

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +2