API: Start Refresh for a Group of Tables in Collect from the stored procedure


This will make possible to call Collect refreshes from manual rules registered in Transform.

In the complex objects the load flow often looks like this:

1.Process ttTarget1

2.Load export into target system

3.Refresh Collect for the tables related to ttTarget1

4.Run rules that look up keys for the loaded records from dgTarget into ttTarget1


5.Process ttTarget2 that uses keys from ttTarget1

- and so on


Currently we have to document step 3 outside of the DSP and then go into Collect and hunt and pick the tables that we need to refresh.

I propose to create a t-sql stored procedure API that would have 3 parameters that will correspond to these database columns:





Upon execution API should submit refresh in Collect for every table in the group that has  DataGarage.dbo.dgTargetSourceTable.Active=1 and DSPCommon.dbo.ztSystemTypeGroupTable.Active=1. Preferably just submit the refresh for all of these tables at once in parallel so that Collect would put them into the queue and handle the execution itself. API should not wait for the refresh completion. Or optionally it could wait until all of the tables are refreshed. Whether it’d wait should be controlled by the 4th parameter.



  • Pavlo Kurochka
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +2