Dashboard Enhancements


In building some POC dashboards for Lidl I have encountered some limitations which I think should be considered for inclusion as future enhancements:

1. When creating a chart of type "Tabular" the only control types allowed are "Text Box".  I want to be able to display status markers and traffic lights in the table using the "Image" control and add buttons using the "button" control.  Can these additional controls be added to the Tabular Chart column types.  Alternatively if it were possible to add a Dynamic page into a dashboard (as opposed to just page type "Chart") that would enable use of all the control types.

2. On the chart type "Tabular" can you add the record count similar to how it is displayed on dynamic pages.

3. On charts with many Category values, the values are squeezed together along the axis, or split onto multiple lines.  Would it be possible to have a parameter that allows us to specify an interval for the category values (eg display every 5th value).

4. On Charts with multiple Value columns the drill-down doesn't work correctly.  On the chart below, when I click on the blue datapoint marked I drill down to the records that make up the 498 records of that data point.  If I click on the yellow data point, which represents 4200 records, I get the same 498 records as for the blue data point.


  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • +1