Map in dspConduct

What is the concept?

  • To have Map functionality in dspConduct as we have in dspMigrate.
  • Map flexibility to enhance/create his/her own map page with required columns to capture business requirement. (Each business process may differ from another, unlike dspMigrate – Map where its the same Map functionality works for N–number of source systems.)
  • Automation of DCS pages based on UI & Non-UI fields.
  • Automation of business rule for UI & Non-UI fields. And business validations for UI fields.
  • Functionality to track un-assigned procedure/validations (custom business rules) in the WebApp.
  • Functionality to assign/business user or functional consultant to approve/align with captured business requirement.
  • If possible, we should be able to define what page should be created and attached to what page (button).


Why do we need it?

  • Not all projects deal with SAP as a target, where we design UI layout for Conduct based on SAP screens. My current project deals with end to end Business Process hitting several target systems based on nearly 250 variations with approx. 200 (UI & Non-UI) fields per scenario. So, we require a Map functionality to track what field is having what business rule/validation per scenario and we had built a custom Map page to track things.
  • We need a rule book that holds what is the procedure/validation name that is affecting what field in what scenario. This way, it benefits clients to track their own process before/after Go-Live.


 Who benefits from it?

  • Entire team knows what exactly is being performed on what field in which scenario/business process.
  • Rule book can be generated for target system functional consultants to align with the business process implemented in DSP. (We don't know, while gather business requirement there could be few enhancements to target systems)
  • Life for support team after Go-Live will be much smoother to track and modify things accordingly.
  • To track who approved what rule/validation. Few rules might result in huge impact on entire business process, so this way it helps business users to make decisions accordingly.
  • Guest
  • Oct 16 2017
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Oct 16, 2017

    Admin response

    There are many ideas within this request.  Some already exist and have been on the roadmap for dspConduct (i.e. more autogeneration of task pages (DCS is not part of the DSP); I.e. the connection form Tasks to Validations and Business Rules and the additional AutoGen of Tasks pages with control views and default tables.

    Other functionality will be addressed via Data Lineage functionality already planned as well.  Within this, one may see all fields in the data model and see any report, view, procedure function that is involved with populating that table's field or is dependent on that field.  This helps with error resolution, impact assessment as well of regulatory compliance where Lineage is required.

    However a lot of the documentation and requirement gathering will never be in the DSP as the persona there is the Business this information will be captured in the IGC.

    To Summarize this is all really already planned, however not in the exact way mentioned here and not all in the DSP.

    The same concept of Map for dspConduct is certainly not something that is going to be implemented however.

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