Do not send Finish workflow emails to roles that have Auto Finish Role set to True in ttScenarioRole

Zen Desk #6812: We had a situation at SpinMaster where a Role is included in the Scenario but has Auto Finish Role set to True. The role is strictly there for a later role to reject against if they need changes made to their data.

The Role still receives a notification that their role is ready for processing even though it is set to Auto Finish. This was causing some confusion. In order to accommodate this we created our own customized view of webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel to exclude ttScenarioRole AutoFinishRole = 0 (we are using our own custom workflow anyway). 


CREATE VIEW [dbo].[webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleCustomSel]


SELECT DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.RequestID, DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.RoleID,

DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.UserID, DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.WorkflowedBy,


FROM DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel INNER JOIN

dbo.ttRequest ON DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.RequestID = dbo.ttRequest.RequestID INNER JOIN

dbo.ttScenarioRole ON dbo.ttRequest.ScenarioID = dbo.ttScenarioRole.ScenarioID AND DGE.dbo.webRequestRole_WorkflowMessageForAvailableRoleSel.RoleID = dbo.ttScenarioRole.RoleID

WHERE (dbo.ttScenarioRole.AutoFinishRole = 0)

  • Allison Berube
  • Jun 23 2017
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Matt Wagnon commented
    May 31, 2018 22:05

    The date of of the status change is automated with the release of the product. 6.7.1 was released on that day.

  • Allison Berube commented
    May 31, 2018 15:29


    I got an email that the status of this idea was changed to Shipped. I couldn't find anywhere that said which version it was shipped in. Is it possible to view that information anywhere?

