Collect same table into two different package


It can be useful to be able to collect big (huge) table with different scope, for different usage.

Let's say :

1. a smaller subset for daily refresh ( e.g : Active Sales Order)

2. A much wider subset for weekly ( e.g. all sales order for last 2 years)

It is impossible to Collect twice the same table with different scope (due to PK error).

If a different download scope is needed, it must be done via a separate package, loosing the Collect functionnality (easy planning, timing, entries count and status)

In collect we can specify a "target table name", but the primary is set on the legacy table name.

Best regards

  • Guillaume Brochet
  • Sep 27 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guillaume Brochet commented
    September 27, 2021 13:14

    I'm on ... from 2018

    But good to hear i might be able to use this one on next project ;)

  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    September 27, 2021 08:43

    Hello Guillaume - thank you for raising this suggestion. The feature you describe (ability to extract the same table via multiple packages within the same Target Source) was added in 7.4.3 version of the Stewardship Tier