Improve search options in tables

When handling with large tables it would be benificial if we can search on multiple criteria and multiple columns to condense the table to relevant proportions. Compare it with filter opportunities within excel. You can add multliple criteria in a column and you can add criteria to multiple columns

  • Guest
  • May 12 2021
  • Already exists
  • Jun 2, 2021

    Admin response

    There exists the ability to do exactly this via building indexes on the data source for any table you want. You pick the criteria and can use many fields that exists in addition to editing thresholds to tweak the results. These search focused indices can then be applied to any page. Please look at the online help for examples on how to do this.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 03, 2021 07:52

    That is actually quite good news but please inform me how this work Because it was based on direction form syniti that I raised the idea. We are not aware how to search on multiple criteria in a table.

    Kind Regards,

    Erwin van Malland

    +31 (0)628083909