Making Bulk Execution mandatory after Excel Integration

Many of the rules/procedures are running in the backend during on-validate event. However, when the excel integration is used unless the records are validated manually or bulk execution is done the underlying procedures are not going to run. When multiple records are inserted, there is high chance that manual validation for each line also be missed.

In many cases we see that users are missing bulk execution after the excel integration.

This is creating lot of issues in the requests. So we should force the Bulk execution at the end of excel integration.

  • Ezhil Vadivel Thanarasu
  • Apr 26 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Jun 2, 2021

    Admin response

    Moving this idea to the framework for their consideration. It makes sense. In the meantime, you could monitor which records have been or haven't been validated and have a service page run the on validate event in the background as a work around.

  • Attach files
  • Deepak Bharadwaj commented
    March 14, 2022 05:26

    This will really be helpful. Its always a manual activity for the user to click on the bulk execution or somehow we are accomodating calling the 'OnValidate' event. If this gets implemeted in the product may be as a check box to 'run bulk execution automatically' after an excel integration, it will help.

  • Shahul Hameed commented
    March 03, 2022 10:47

    Hi Team,

    We have come across a similar requirement during our MDM implementation with our current customer.

    When can we expect this feature to be available in Syniti Stewardship Tier

