Way to override the SRTC tabled name with static value

SRTC table name is create using HOR/VER view in content app. If there is a change in the HOR/VER view name, the new table gets created. If SRTC table has lot of dependencies like Validations etc need to change all those. There should be a way to register static SRTC table name on the task that will override the dynamic table name if exist. This will be very helpful.

  • Prasad Wadekar
  • Aug 7 2018
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Aug 29, 2018

    Admin response

    What caused the need to change the name of the Page View?  Changing the name back would resolve the dependency errors or creating a view with the desired static name that would be the only object that need to be updated if you had to make that change. This seems like an edge case scenario.

    Understanding the reason for changing the hor view will help understand the value of this request.  Right now it seems effort would outweigh value.

  • Attach files
  • Prasad Wadekar commented
    August 07, 2018 19:13

    This is my scenario, But there might be other events that might require change of the horizontal view name during development.

  • Prasad Wadekar commented
    August 07, 2018 19:09

    A page with 600+ column properties and 130+ validations was developed with an horizontal and vertical view. There was a requirement later in the project to have a different fields on the page horizontal if it links from 4 different buttons. They created 4 different pages by coping this page and linked those 4 different buttons. When I noticed that, I wanted to take a route of LinkTag and want to modify the Horizontal view to include #LinkTag# and send different valued from 4 different buttons.