Request Status Params at the Category level should not have Days Active as editable when the Status is not Archivable

In dspConduct > Configuration > Setup > Request Status, it shows the Request Status values that are archivable. However, when you go to the Request Status Params at the Category level, Request Status values that are not archivable still allow the user to edit Days Active. It is a little confusing.


I think it would be a good idea if Days Active was not editable according to the Request Status Archivable flag under Setup and the view of the page at the Category level should include the Archivable flag. 

  • Allison Berube
  • May 15 2018
  • Planned
  • May 17, 2018

    Admin response

    Hi Allison,

    Is there any negative impact for editing those days active fields?  are you also suggesting that they don't need a value and only archivable status value do?

  • Attach files
  • Allison Berube commented
    May 21, 2018 16:00


    There is no negative impact. We just think it's confusing to have those fields editable. I've had this question asked to me by a couple of clients and consultants. Yes - I am suggesting that we don't need a value there if the status is not archivable. From what I can see that field, DaysActive, is only used for archiving. The procedure webCategoryRequestStatus_OnLoad_ttCategoryRequestStatusIns defaults DaysActive to 30 but I realize we can set it to 0 or NULL.

