Enhancement Request - dspCompose/Integrate




I wanted to request some enhancements to dspCompose and Integrate. In dspCompose when scheduling a posting for a future time in the "off hours queue" the scheduled run time time is not visible once the user has pressed the "Post Later" button and enters the credentials. The status of the request shows the processing icon with a request status of "Posting". A field on either the horizontal or vertical view of the Post role should display the scheduled posting time.


Furthermore on the Integrate Post Monitor, the posting says "BackgroundPostingQueued" without indication of when it is scheduled to run. On the vertical view the Audit section shows the physical time the Post Later button was pressed not the actual start time. I recommend a "Queued Time", "Posting Start Time" and "Post Completed On" time, and also a "dspCompose Request number" on the vertical view to easily line up the correct posting id with the user request. Lastly, I propose a "Cancel Posting" which would cancel the queued posting and reset the Post role on the dspCompose request allowing the user to change the time and re-submit their records for posting. This cancel button should also be available in the vertical view of the Post role of the dspCompose request.

  • Brad Helman
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Allison Berube commented
    June 26, 2018 17:05

    I have come across the need for the same functionality as a result of ZenDesk #10768. If a user resets, cancels, or deletes the request, dspCompose should also remove the Integrate job queued up for scheduled posting.

  • +2